Tag: africa

  • 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Africa

    10 Most Dangerous Cities in Africa

    What are the most dangerous cities in Africa? Travelling across Africa is a fun activity as well as a way to have new experiences about different cultures. However, this activity might be risky especially if you travel to a location that is considered dangerous. Some locations have issues with drugs, muggings, kidnappings, and drugs while…

  • 10 Countries with the Fastest Internet Speed in Africa

    10 Countries with the Fastest Internet Speed in Africa

    Africa is seen as a third-world continent with developing countries by the rest of the world. Ask some whites and they would tell you all they know about Africa is starving kids, no internet or electricity. This is how the media portrays Africa to the Western World. As corrupt as some African nation is, there…

  • 10 Most Corrupt Countries in Africa

    10 Most Corrupt Countries in Africa

    What are the most corrupt countries in Africa? According to the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Somalia is Africa’s most corrupt country currently. The CPI rates 180 countries in the world on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (highly clean). Among the transparent nations in the world are Seychelles, Botswana, Cabo Verde, Rwanda, Namibia as well…

  • 10 Cleanest Cities in Africa 2024

    10 Cleanest Cities in Africa 2024

    What are the cleanest cities in Africa? Everyone loves a healthy and clean environment however, many places in the world are faced with various forms of pollution. Unfortunately, numerous cities are filled with refuse, polluted water bodies, and unhealthy air. Overall, the situation might look bad but there are some cities in every continent (including…

  • 10 Best Cities to Live in Africa 2024

    10 Best Cities to Live in Africa 2024

    What are the best cities to live in Africa? Social media has always been filled with debates about which cities are the best in Africa. Some people believe their home cities are the best places to live in while others feel that all cities are the same. With such views, people from other continents might…

  • 7 African Cities with the Worst Traffic

    7 African Cities with the Worst Traffic

    If you are stuck in the notorious Lagos traffic, it might look like the worst traffic congestion in the world. However, studies have shown that this city does not even come close to the top African cities with the worst traffic. No West African city can be found among the top cities with this problem.…

  • Top 10 Most Powerful Passports in Africa

    Top 10 Most Powerful Passports in Africa

    What are the most powerful passports in Africa? If you are moving across Africa and beyond, you will have to travel with a passport. But some passports help you gain access to more countries than others. As a result, they are called powerful passports. A passport is ranked on the Henley Passport index. Here, the…

  • Top 10 Most Spoken Languages in Africa

    Top 10 Most Spoken Languages in Africa

    Africa is the second-largest continent in the world with a population of 1.2 billion people, it is also the second most populous after Asia. Colonized by other countries, over 2000 distinct languages are spoken in Africa. There are 54 African countries numerous natives, tribes and dialects. In this post, we will outline the ten most…