most powerful passports in africa

Top 10 Most Powerful Passports in Africa

What are the most powerful passports in Africa? If you are moving across Africa and beyond, you will have to travel with a passport. But some passports help you gain access to more countries than others. As a result, they are called powerful passports.

A passport is ranked on the Henley Passport index. Here, the travel document is ranked by the number of countries that its holder can visit especially without a prior visa.

Using this index, I will list out the top 10 most powerful passports in Africa. Now let’s move over to the list and see which African passport can offer you access to most countries.

Most Powerful Passports in Africa

Seychelles (151)

A Seychelles passport promises access to 151 countries across the globe. This makes it the most powerful passport in Africa. It has also 26th most powerful passport in the world.

Mauritius (146)

The beautiful island is popular for its lagoons, beaches, and reefs. But do you know that it has the second most powerful passport in Africa?

The Mauritanian passport offers visa-free or visa on arrival access to 146 destinations. It is also ranked as the 30th most powerful passport in the world.

South Africa (100)

Travellers with South African passports can travel to as much as 100 countries in the world. These trips do not require prior visas. As a result, this country occupies the position of owning the third most powerful passports in Africa. On the world ranking, it occupies the 53rd position ahead of Kuwait and Qatar.

Botswana (83)

Next on our list is another Southern African country, Botswana. Even if it shares the 62nd position (on the Henley Passport index) with Papua New Guinea, its passport stands as the fourth most powerful in Africa.

It offers freedom to travel to as much as 83 countries across the world. They include Ireland, Kenya, and South Korea.

Nambia (76)

A Namibian passport can offer visa-free or visa on arrival access to 76 different destinations These countries include the Bahamas, Ecuador, and Indonesia.

Since it offers entry to this number of countries, it stands as the 67th most powerful passport in the world. It is also seen as the fifth most powerful in Africa.

Lesotho (74)

Lesotho has the sixth most powerful passport on the continent. On the global index, the passport falls to the 69th position thereby sharing the same spot with Saudi Arabia.

With this document, you can travel to as much as 74 countries without applying for prior visas.

eSwatini ( 73)

Formerly known as Swaziland, this country has an international passport that grants visa-free or visa on arrival passage to 73 countries. This places it on the seventh position of the top 10 most powerful passports in Africa. On the Henley Passport Index, it occupies the 70th spot.

Malawi (72)

If you travel with a Malawian passport, you will have access to 72 countries particularly without owning a prior visa. These locations include the Bahamas, Israel, and Malaysia.

This international passport is ranked as the 8th most powerful passport in Africa. On the global index, it occupies the 71st position, a step ahead of China.

Kenya (71)

A Kenya international passport can provide visa-free or visa on arrival entry to 71 countries. This number of locations includes Cuba, Nigeria, and Nepal.

The light blue coloured travel document occupies the 9th spot on our list. On the Henley Passport Index, it shares the 72nd position with China.

Zambia (70)

On the Henley Passport Index, Zambia shares the 72nd position with Indonesia. But in Africa, it has the 10th most powerful passport on the continent. It also offers visa-free or visa on arrival access to 70 destinations across the world.



For any international trip, it is important to travel with a passport. In Africa, some passports offer access to numerous countries across the world while others grants access to a few locations.

According to the Henley Passport Index, Seychelles has the most powerful passport in Africa. Following closely are Mauritius and South Africa. The least powerful passport belongs to the Republic of Zambia.

That wraps up our article on the top 10 most powerful passport in Africa. Please feel free to drop any questions and comments in the box below.

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