gtbank logo

GTBank Logo and What it Symbolizes

GTBank is one of the best financial institutions in Nigeria, the bank has been around for years and still delivers excellent service to its customers. In this post, we will share GTBank logo and what it represents.

A logo is very key in branding. There is power in logos and all you need for people to see sometime is your logo without you doing any talking.

GTBank logo is unique and easily recognizable anywhere. The bank identifies with the orange colour and its banking halls nationwide is painted orange outside. The logo also contains a small white square box and “GTBank” boldly written inside the big orange box.

Why the Orange Colour?

  • Orange is a joyous colour
  • Orange frees and releases emotion
  • Orange evokes a feeling of warmth
  • Orange demands attention
  • Orange stimulates the mind
  • Orange indicates a person who is sociable and loves to be in the company of others; a person who has loads of energy, exciting and fun to be with.
  • Orange relates to a person who has great practical-hands on-skills.
  • Orange personalities are friendly, ready smile, respond positively and fluent if not profound in speech. They are good-natured and gregarious and do not like to be left alone.

The orange colour is called Orange Rule in the company and it symbolizes principles for life, relationship, success and progression. All these guides the bank in its way of life and the way it conducts business on a day to day basis.


The logo is unique and very simple, the bank believes simplicity makes progress and understanding easy between bank and clients which makes clarity faster. The simplicity also means straightforwardness which is also transparency.

The orange is inviting and very warm, it’s a colour people want to have around them. It is friendly and GTBank wants to become everyone’s friend.

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